Our Partners
University of East Anglia
Since 1963 UEA has been breaking down boundaries between students and researchers, arts and science, business and social responsibility.
UEA research is making real-world impact. That’s why 91% of UEA research has been rated ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ by the Research Excellence Framework (REF2021). It is also in the UK top 20 for research quality.
UEA is a globally significant centre of research that drives global change. Its world-leading research covers science, health and medicine, social sciences and the humanities. It addresses some of the biggest issues facing society today, from transforming the lives of children in state care to providing the global temperature records which inform international climate change policy.
Our scholarships
- PhD in Prostate Cancer Research
- PhD in Climate Change Research
Our tests could help the majority of men with non-harmful prostate cancer avoid invasive treatments and lifelong side-effects. The goal is that only men with aggressive, life-threatening cancer would receive the most radical treatments. Thanks to the generous contributions from The Amar-Franses & Foster-Jenkins Trust, the day we can start helping to save men’s lives draws ever closer.